Mando-pop Songs

《泡沫之夏》 何潤東 我記得我愛過 ~ Summer’s Desire, Peter Ho, I Remember I Had Loved

Another awesome (old) song from Peter Ho. Written by none other than Fang Wen Shan(方文山), the lyricist for many of Jay Chou’s songs.
電臺有人點播 播我記得我愛過
Someone had requested on radio, to play I remember I had loved
後視鏡裡的我 沉默話不多
I was in the rear view mirror, silently, not saying much
目送你下車 上樓 緊握的蕾絲漂泊
I watched you get down the car, go upstairs, the lace you held tightly, swaying
你的臉一閃而過 知道一些線索
Your face flashed past, there were some clues
在這個時刻 我忍住沒有問出口
This moment, I couldn’t bear to ask

我記得我愛過 哭著 要不回那些快樂
I remember I had loved, crying, can’t get back those happiness
怕情緒失控著 怕我淚流成河
Fearful my emotions will go out of control, fearful my tears will turn into rivers
Fearful you would say that some things can’t be forced

我記得我愛過 也懂了 你感情上的轉折
I remember I had loved and understood the turning point of your love
淚濕透了紙鶴 愛斑駁了顏色
Tears have turned paper cranes sheer, spots of love robbed it of colours
而我的心被撕裂般拉扯 已經難以癒合
And my heart ripped and torn apart, impossible to heal

你說只是朋友 我配合的很難過
You said just friends, I complied in sadness
你眼神在閃躲 在這個時刻 還有什麼你 沒說
Your eyes were darting around, at this moment, what else did you not say
你低頭擦指甲油 數著櫻花有幾朵
You looked down applying nail polish, counting the number of cherry blossoms
畫面感很溫柔 我卻心算著
A gentle scene, yet I counted in my heart
你幾次沉默 冰冷對我
How many times did you fall into silence, coldly regarding me

我記得我愛過 哭著 要不回那些快樂
I remember I had loved, crying, can’t get back those happiness
怕情緒失控著 怕我淚流成河
Fearful my emotions will go out of control, fearful my tears will turn into rivers
Fearful you would say that some things can’t be forced

我記得我愛過 也懂了 你感情上的轉折
I remember I had loved and understood the turning point of your love
淚濕透了紙鶴 愛斑駁了顏色
Tears have turned paper cranes sheer, spots of love robbed it of colours
而我的心被撕裂般拉扯 已經難以癒合
And my heart ripped and torn apart, impossible to heal

我記得我愛過 哭著 要不回那些快樂
I remember I had loved, crying, can’t get back those happiness
怕情緒失控著 怕我淚流成河
Fearful my emotions will go out of control, fearful my tears will turn into rivers
Fearful you would say that some things can’t be forced

我記得我愛過 也懂了 你感情上的轉折
I remember I had loved and understood the turning point of your love
淚濕透了紙鶴 愛斑駁了顏色
Tears have turned paper cranes sheer, spots of love robbed it of colours
而我的心被撕裂般拉扯 已經難以癒合
And my heart ripped and torn apart, impossible to heal

2 thoughts on “《泡沫之夏》 何潤東 我記得我愛過 ~ Summer’s Desire, Peter Ho, I Remember I Had Loved

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